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Religious or Charitable Work Visa Assistance

Applicants, who wish to perform or serve a Canadian religious or charitable institution, may apply for the Religious or Charitable Work visa. However, it is essential that they should posse the required credentials, documentations, experience, and skills for the position they propose to hold. This visa entitles applicants to live and work in Canada on temporary basis. Interestingly, this visa may prove beneficial for applicant and help him acquiring eligibility for permanent residence in Canada.

Religious or Charitable Work Visa Requirements
To apply for this visa, applicants should be able to produce essential documents such as details about Canadian employer, offer letter from the employer, etc. In addition, they should meet the fundamental health and character requirements. A Religious or Charitable visa is granted only when the sponsor and the applicant fulfill the following terms and conditions:

  • The sponsoring organization is not entitled to any remuneration from any other source for the services to be rendered by the applicant
  • The employer will remunerate the applicant for living expenses
  • The religious and charitable services do not come under the perimeter of normal work provided in the labour market.

Religious or Charitable Work Visa Entitlements
Once approved, the Religious and Charitable Work Visa holder is permitted to work and live in Canada on temporary basis; the period being 1 month to 3 years. During the stay, the applicant’s family (spouse and children) may or may not be allowed to study and work in Canada. A Religious or Charitable Work visa may work as an advantage if the applicant wishes to avail the permanent residence in Canada. However, otherwise, depending on the job, the applicant can apply for renewal or extension of the temporary visa.

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